Category Archives: Snacks

AIP Lipia Bread for Appetizers

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Now getting back to our recipe, I should first tell you that since I’ve been on AIP, I really missed appetizers (we like to call them tapas). And while I previously made AIP appetizers using sweet potato as the base, I couldn’t help but wondering what replacement I could find for bread or toast that I’d been using before this diet.

So I tried a very simple combination of plantain flour, olive oil, salt and water and baked the mixture. What turned out was an excellent AIP bread lipia that can can be used with any AIP compliant topping to create the perfect tapas.

Here are the ingredients I used:

  • 200 grams plantain flour – I used this flour from NuNaturals:
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil
  • 150 ml water
  • Pinch of salt

And here’s how I made the lipia:

  • I preheated the oven at 400 F or 180 C.
  • I mixed the flour and the salt in a bowl and added in the olive oil to the mixture. I then added in the water bit by bit, while continuing to mix. What formed was a dough that was easy to mold.
  • I placed the dough on a baking sheet and using another baking sheet that I put on top, I pressed it until I made it thin enough. Like this thin:
  • I placed the baking paper in a baking pan and put it n the oven, where I left it for about 20 minutes. After 15 minutes I checked it regularly to avoid it getting burnt.
  • When taken out of the oven, it should come out crunchy on the edges and just a bit puffy in the middle.

With all the modesty I can tell you it was tastier than any other AIP bread I’ve tried so far. I ate mine with thin prosciutto slices on top but you might as well top it with any other AIP compliant ingredient (guacamole, offal pate, bacon, etc). You can also eat it as it is because mine is salty enough that I tastes like a biscuit – I like my food saltier 🙂

I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did!

AIP carrot cookies


I’m preparing some foods for tomorrow and wanted to try a new organic dessert. So I made AIP carrot cookies. They’re tasty, healthy and AIP compliant!

There ingredients I used are: 

  1. 1 cup coconut flour
  2. 1/3 cup arrowroot flour
  3. 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon
  4. 1 tsp ground ginger
  5. 1 tsp baking soda (gluten-free)
  6. 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
  7. 4 Tbsp honey (I used organic acacia but you can use any type of honey)
  8. 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
  9. 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  10. 1/2 cup coconut oil (melted)
  11. 2 Tbsp gelatin (for the gelatin egg)
  12. 1/2 cup filtered water
  13. 1 cup grated carrots


And here’s how I made the cookies:

  1. I preheated the oven at 350 F or 180 C and lined a baking pan with parchment paper.
  2. I mixed all the dry ingredients in a medium sized bowl (coconut and arrowroot flour, cinnamon, salt, baking soda and ginger) and set it aside.
  3. I then mixed the liquid ingredients in another medium sized bowl (honey, vanilla, coconut oil and apple cider vinegar). I blended them using a hand mixer.
  4. I then prepared the gelatin by putting the 1/2 cup water into a medium pot and slowly sprinkling over the 2 Tbsp gelatin, easy, to make sure it didn’t create any clumps. I let it bloom for about 5 minutes.
  5. I then mixed the dry ingredient bowl into the liquid ingredient one and used a hand mixer to blend well. I added in the grated carrots in the mixture and blended again to make everything look like a dough.
  6. After the 5 minutes of the gelatin passed, I put the pot on low heat and left it for another 2 minutes until all the gelatin dissolved.
  7. I then poured all the gelatin liquid into the dough and blended using the hand mixer on high, until it became homogeneous.
  8. I then used my hands to turn the dough into a big ball shape and placed it on a parchment paper to even it up. I then used another parchment to put on top and slowly roll out until the dough bowl turned into a circle-like flat form, about 1 inch thick.
  9. I used a larger glass to cut the cookie shapes from the dough and used a spatula to put them in my baking pan.
  10. I baked them for 40 minutes on the middle grill of the oven (if you place the pan on the lower grill of the oven they will burn out).

The result made me so happy, I wish I could eat them right not but I have to save them for tomorrow 🙂



How to make Plantain Chips – AIP and Paleo


Plantains some of the few AIP compliant foods that can be turned into real snacks! Yeah, you saw it well, I wrote snacks! Plantain chips are made per a traditional African recipe (and South American), that combines the crunchy texture with a mildly salted flavor. Yum!

The difficult part for me in making plantain chips is that I didn’t actually find any plantains :))) – because no supermarket sells them in Romania. So I had to deal with what I had, and that is “barely green” bananas 🙂


But the result turned out great whatsoever!

Here’s how I made my “plantain” chips:

  1. I used 5 green bananas and 8 Tbsp duck fat for frying
  2. Peeled the green bananas and cut them into very thin slices (they need to be thin so that they cook well and don’t remain soft in the middle)
  3. I placed all the plantain sliced in a bowl with enough water to cover them, in which I also added in 1 tsp Himalayan salt. I let them rest for 30 minutes in water
  4. Heated 6 Tbsp duck fat in a larger pan on high heat and once the fat was very hot I turned the heat to medium-low. You need to make sure there’s enough fat in the pan to cover the plantains, as they will need to be deep fried
  5. I placed the first batch of plantain chips from the water bowl on a paper towel to have the water removed a bit before frying (water in hot grease is pretty dangerous to be next to). I then placed them in the heated duck fat (after I turned the heat to medium-low, otherwise the fat would have sprinkled everywhere). Make sure there’s enough space between the chips, or else they’ll stick to each other, which we don’t want
  6. I deep fried them for about 3 minutes on each side and them placed them from the pan to a paper towel to have the grease removed. You can get them out when they look crispy enough and their color becomes golden. Once taken out, sprinkle more salt over them while they’re still hot
  7. I repeated the same steps with the next batches of plantains, adding in more duck fat as needed

You can also use any other vegetable oil for deep frying them, however I preferred duck fat in order to have them 100% AIP compliant (as olive oil is not normally used for deep frying). But if I think about it, you can also try frying them in coconut oil as well (which is also appropriate for deep frying).

The plantain chips are an AIP friendly snack that you can store for up to 2 days and enjoy a healthy crunchy snack anytime you need one. Aaaaand if you do find plantains instead of green bananas ( 🙂 ) it’s going to be even better!

P.S. The avocado oil in this post’s image was just used for the green salad that I combined the plantains with!
